Forensic Genetic Genealogy Pioneers

Bonnie's New Family

Finding Bonnie’s birth father was one of our most difficult birth parent searches. Bonnie and her brother Michael knew they were born in Germany in the 1950s, but they did not know they were adopted until 2002.  Although Bonnie had a copy of her birth cerificate, she had not questioned why her parents names did not appear on it, and why it was […]

DNA Rule-Out for Cold Case, Australia, 1970 – Part II

Through a casual exchange of emails a few weeks ago, Deb Cashion alerted me to a recent article “Police chase DNA of Elmer Crawford relatives in Northern Ireland” that appeared in the Herald Sun.  It described the Victoria police search for a DNA family reference for Crawford. Since I was traveling in Ireland at the time, I offered to help […]

DNA Rule-Out for Cold Case, Australia, 1970 – Part I

A crime that could not escape media attention in Australia, any more than the Manson family murders could have evaded the public eye here in the States-Elmer Crawford brutally murdered his pregnant wife Theresa (35) and his three children Kathryn (13), James (8), and Karen (6) in 1970. He then disappeared. Elmer electrocuted his family while they slept using an electrical cable he had […]

Unknown Child on the Titanic – Part IV (Conclusion)

When AFDIL attempted an identification through Y-DNA, I was asked by my colleague Dr. Odile Loreille to find a Y-DNA reference for Sidney Goodwin.  We were just finishing up the identification of The Hand in the Snow, so she knew I was available for a new project. Of course, my first step was to search to obtain information about the […]

Unknown Child on the Titanic – Part III

To understand what happened next, you have to know a little about mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).  Mitochondrial DNA is contained in small, football-shaped inclusions outside the nucleus of a cell. It’s widely believed that mitochondria were once independent bacteria that invaded primitive cells millions of years ago.  Instead of being digested, these bacteria took up residence […]

Unknown Child on the Titanic – Part II

After eight and a half decades, there was little left of the child’s body. Only a small piece of wrist bone and the crowns of three tiny baby teeth had survived the inclement weather and damp, slightly acidic soil. In the spring of 2002, when Parr and Ruffman determined that the child was not Gosta Paulson based […]

Unknown Child on the Titanic – Part I

On April 20-23 1912, on its mission from Halifax to salvage remains from the Titanic, the crew of the cable ship Mackay-Bennett pulled 306 bodies from the frigid waters of the north Atlantic. Only one of them, body No. 4, was that of a child. At the time, the best that forensic identification could offer was the observations, […]

Jeni's Family Reunion

Jeni Reed was raised by her maternal grandmother and knew almost nothing about her dad Thomas McKay.  Yet we were able to find him!  I surprised Jeni with the news on June 16.  To add to the excitement, we discovered that Jeni has three sisters and a brother she had never met, plus a new aunt […]

Maurice Conway

The best part of our projects is the good friendships we form with the people whose lives we  touch.  On our recent trip to Ireland, Andy and I visited with Maurice Conway and his family in Co. Limerick.  Maurice provided the DNA match that confirmed that the remains found in the wreck of Northwest Flight 4422 were […]

Maria the Bag Lady from Buenos Aires

My experience in locating people internationally is quite extensive.  I have located people on all continents except for Antarctica (too cold).  My most spectacular success was the location of a bag lady in Buenos Aires named Maria.  The woman had married a man from an influential Argentinian family.  She was uneducated and had been his […]