Forensic Genetic Genealogy Pioneers

Identifinders International Wins Fifth Place for DNA Hit of the Year

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 24, 2020  Contact: Colleen Fitzpatrick, PhDIdentifinders International714-296-3065 Identifinders International Selectedas Fifth Place in DNA Hit of the Year CompetitionPioneering Work on Sarah Yarborough Case Earns International Recognition Fountain Valley, CA – Identifinders International, in conjunction with the King Co. WA Sheriff’s Office, has been awarded Fifth Place in the Gordon Thomas […]

Press Conference on Cold Case – Rapid City SD – 2 pm – 17 Jun 2019

RCPD MEDIA ADVISORY:Press conference to discuss new findings in cold caseThe media is invited to attend a press conference discussing new findings in the cold case investigation into a Rapid City homicide from 1968.The press conference will be held Monday, June 17th at 2:00 p.m. in the second floor large training room at the Public […]

DNA-The Next Big Gold Rush?

The discovery of gold at Sutters Mill, CA in 1848 promised untold wealth for those who had the resources and stamina to outlast the competition.  At the dawn of the California Gold Rush, there were no laws governing property rights; prospectors depended on a system of staking claims to protect their discoveries. Early prospectors did well, earning many times […]

Big Business or Big Brother?

At the recent American Academy of Forensic Science meeting in New Orleans, I attended the workshop The Opiate Crisis, Dirty Bombs, Big Data/Big Problems, and Driverless Cars:  On the Leading Edge of Forensic Science – 2017 Theoretical Forensic Sciences “Think Tank”.  It seemed like a good session to discover where forensic research is going, aside from the serious look the community […]

Extreme Genealogy – Arrival in Berlin and First Visit to the Berlin Bundesarchiv

Flight to Berlin and ArrivalThursday, August 11, 2016 My trip from Los Angeles to Berlin went smoothly with a layover in Keflavik Interntional Airport.  It is the cleanest airport in the world. It felt more like an igloo than an airport – snug from the elements.  Yet it was a beehive of activity – with people snacking […]

Who Am I? What is My Name? – Part IX – Gertrude’s Sisters!

Since 2012 we have been trying to discover the birth identity of Pnina Gutman, who as an infant was smuggled from the Warsaw Ghetto with the assistance of a woman named Gertrud Spiro. We realized from the beginning that our best chance at solving the mystery was to find out as much as we could […]

Claude and the Geography Lesson

By the time I was asked to find Claude and Marie Dexter* in France, I had pulled a few unclaimed property rabbits out of unclaimed property hats so that I had become the company’s patron saint of hopeless cases. Typically, when they finally got around to assigning me a case like Claude’s, they had exhausted […]

They Never Thought I’d Find Them but I Did!

When people ask what I do for a living, I tell them “I read minds”.  This is not far from the truth.The case of the Chedidi’s* stands out in this regard. In about 2007, the international investment company I worked for gave me an assignment to find a couple named Jack and Lily Chedidi* who […]