Jeni Reed was raised by her maternal grandmother and knew almost nothing about her dad Thomas McKay. Yet we were able to find him! I surprised Jeni with the news on June 16. To add to the excitement, we discovered that Jeni has three sisters and a brother she had never met, plus a new aunt and two new uncles. She was in shock when she contacted her dad. He was delighted to hear from her!
In July, Jeni got to meet many family members for the first time. As she describes the reunion:
Well, the big meeting was this past weekend and it was so fun. I met my dad, one sister and my brother. We are all getting together again, plus more extended family and my other sister, in August. Here is a pic of us all. From L to R: My hubby John, Dad, me and baby Nolan, sister Heather, and bro Mark.
What’s crazy is that we found out from 2006-2008 we were living right across from my cousin and didn’t know it. We even bought a blanket off of them at their garage sale before they moved away. My aunt Dori sold it to us and she vividly remembers us that day. Just crazy. Again, I just can’t thank you enough. My fam is so sweet and nice and it’s like we’ve known each other all along. Just amazing.
On August 7, Jeni got to meet the rest of her family. She sent me more pictures. As she described the family reunion:
Yes, we had the party last Saturday and I’ve met most of the fam. It was wonderful; the common theme was “It’s like we’ve known each other all along.” and that I am 100% McKay! I still have one Uncle (Toms twin) and of course my sis Melissa to meet Aug. 31. So looking forward to it. Here are some pics. You may certainly use the photos and I’ll send more when I meet Meli.
Over Labor Day, Jeni got together with her McKay family at Lake Tahoe for yet another reunion. It seems the warmth they feel towards each other is drawing them closer than ever. As Jeni says:
My dad is great, my siblings are awesome, and the kids are precious. So much more to learn about each other, yet we are all so comfortable. The Mckays are great people. As my cousin Patti said: “You find your family and get this one! You’re one lucky girl!” Ya, I won the cosmic lottery or something. My sweet Uncle Craig told me good things happen to good people.

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Hi Colleen! So wonderful to read about others benefiting from your help as we all have. Our vacation in Tahoe with the family was wonderful. Got to meet another wonderful sister Melissa and cousin Patti who lived across the street unbeknownst to us. I can see more and more how “McKay like” I am, in looks and temperament. The debate over Nature vs Nurture has taken on a whole new meaning for me; for all of us! It’s been an unreal summer, completely wonderful, and I owe it all to you. Another thing we are all thankful for is that our kids will never know a time when they were not in each others lives. They can grow up together, like we wish we had, and we have some many wonderful years, all of us together, ahead of us. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. I have a new pic of all of us (including Meli) if you’d like to post it. I’m not sure I can do it here myself.